Majestic White Tiger

This is one of my favorites. I did this in poster colors. For this painting, you’ll need only four colors that are: White, Black, blue and Prussian blue (dark blue). So for drawing the picture, you first start with the eye. You place the eye a little bit above the middle line if it is A3 size paper or canvas. If it is a square paper or canvas you place the eye at the middle of the page. Then after drawing the eye, start with the stripes. Make sure the stripes near the face are connected to each other. The other stripes can be parallel to each other. [For more information see there picture that I have painted 👆] After finishing the drawing, you have to start painting the lightest color of the painting which is white. Then you have completed the picture already by finishing the drawing and the white part. Now it is time to do the second part which are the black parts. Paint the other stripes in black. After that you have to take a very thin brush and do very small hair or fur at the sides of all the stripes. This takes a long time but it was all worth it at the end. I felt very proud seeing the final picture. And I felt very happy that my friends and family appreciated my painting a lot. 😁😁